作者 トム ワトソン | 2nd March 2022 | ライフサイエンス
Photonics promises to revolutionise health monitoring. Here, Tom Watson explores the wider potential in personalised medicine – and provides insight into overcoming the key challenges that lie ahead.
作者 Lai Chiu Tang | 24th February 2022 | 医療機器
Designing a medical device is a challenging creative task. Not only must it be safe, reliable, easy to use and have market appeal, the product design must be accepted into people’s lifestyles.
作者 Dave Gladwin | 20th January 2022 | ニュースルーム, テレコミュニケーション
While full AI consciousness might be some ways off, there are some exciting developments. The need to train machines more quickly, efficiently, and less expensively is a pressing imperative.
作者 Ivan Petrov | 12th December 2021 | 航空宇宙, アグリテック, 自動車, 消費財, 防衛・セキュリティ, エネルギー, 公共分野, ライフサイエンス, 医療機器, 製薬, 流通, 半導体, スマートインフラ, テレコミュニケーション
To decentralise, or not to decentralise, that is the question. This Web3 dilemma reflects the likely thoughts of current digital leaders who want to make the best use of their digital assets while maintaining trust in their data systems.
作者 マーティン クックソン | 16th November 2021 | アグリテック, 消費財, 流通
They are already physically loading our online shopping baskets, vacuuming our homes and maintaining our lawns. But what will it take for automated and autonomous systems to proliferate across industry and society – on the roads, city streets, building sites, fields, factories and schools?