5Gイノベーションスペース - 最も大きなビジネスチャンス
Welcome to the 5G innovation space – the 10% of functionality that represents a transformational commercial opportunity for those who grasp it.
Welcome to the 5G innovation space – the 10% of functionality that represents a transformational commercial opportunity for those who grasp it.
Will collaborative autonomous drone fleets drive uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) innovation and help scale future commercial UAS operations?
We’re helping more clients to exploit the benefits of using simulation to develop autonomous systems and autonomous vehicles. Here Tarika George provides insight into how virtual testing with intelligent simulation can cut costs and accelerate time to market.
We are entering a pivotal period for the future of telecommunications. It’s time to move towards the opportunities offered by O-RAN and AI. These are keys to unlock optimised network automation and maximised service performance.
In the race to secure the UK’s 5G connectivity, buoys, drones and high-altitude platforms are being rolled out to eliminate dead spots and support the construction of other forms of infrastructure. Dr Derek Long discusses non-terrestrial comms network with Raconteur.