Scaling advanced uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS)
Ambitious organisations are looking to UAS services to unlock new business value. The big challenge is to refine your operational use case and to address key technical and regulatory factors.
We’re ready to deliver technology breakthroughs at a rapid pace to help innovators perform sophisticated UAS missions. CC has a proven track record in autonomy, satellite, and beyond-line-of-sight (BVLOS) drone systems, reinforced by our in-house expertise across communication, AI, sensors and system engineering. These capabilities combined allow us to design and build digital services that deliver immense value from UAS payloads.
How we help you
Scaling UAS services to operate over longer distances and challenging environments – while performing highly complex tasks to the highest safety standards – is central to propelling new use cases. Regulations are often a limiting factor.

- UASに関するユーザー、規制当局、テクノロジーに対する理解
- Diverse communications, including 5G private networks for urban environments and satcoms for BVLOS
- AI、自律化、ヒューマンファクター
- 大規模システムのエンジニアリング
- デバイス、センサー(SWaP最適化を含むレーダーなど)
- デジタルサービス、サービスの戦略と開発
- Security, safety and assurance
- 測位技術(5G、GNSSなど)
We’ll work alongside you at every stage of the UAS innovation cycle. From exploring new business opportunities and selecting the optimal technology path to engineering entirely new autonomous UAS systems at scale and accelerating your delivery times, we are well used to dealing in high-stake ventures that bring big rewards.
The complex UAS ecosystem requires close alignment to realise its vast potential. Our big-picture thinking supports all parts of the UAS ecosystem, including counter-drone applications.

By understanding future market developments and technology evolution, we can steer ambitious new services. We can help:
- UAS Service providers to develop their overall mission design and realisation of value in the service operation – from inspection services to passenger transport
- ドローンや空域の新規ユーザーの今後の発展に関する、航空交通管理(ATM)サービス事業者の理解促進
- 無人航空機管制(UTM)企業によるオートメーション、デジタルサービスやデジタルシステムの開発
- OEM企業によるレーダーなどの空域監視用センサーの開発
Meet our experts

ステュワート マーシュ
ワイヤレス&デジタルサービス事業本部 航空宇宙事業部 部長

キラン イクラム
Senior AI Engineer

マーティン クックソン

カロリーナ サンチェス
産業&コンシューマ事業本部 技術保証部 シニアテクノロジスト

Joe Smallman
Technical Lead, AI and Algorithms