Quantum computing adoption – it’s time to seize the initiative
Quantum technology commercial adoption will be gradual – but that doesn’t mean ambitious business leaders should adopt a wait and see approach.
Quantum technology commercial adoption will be gradual – but that doesn’t mean ambitious business leaders should adopt a wait and see approach.
Neuromorphic computing, inspired by biology and mimicking the human brain, promises both extraordinary performance and incredible energy efficiency.
Computing has changed the story of all of our lives, but humanity is poised to begin a new chapter.
In this article, Edmund Owen explores something wholly ‘thinkable’ and indeed entirely imaginable… how the quantum computing cloud could transform business workflows.
サイバーフィジカル分野におけるイノベーションのアイデアを思い付いた場合、次のステップはどうすればよいのでしょうか?誰もが何から取り組むのか理解していたり、成功する自信があるわけではありません。当社では、DVF(Desirability:必要性、Viability:持続可能性、Feasibility:実現可能性) で知られるデザイン思考の手法を採用し、製品開発を進めています。