作者 アンドリュー サバレーゼ | 11th March 2022 | ライフサイエンス, 医療機器
Should we be designing systems that autonomously control both accuracy and precision for the best outcome of the patient? Andy Savarese explores the questions and looks ahead as the role of surgical robotics evolves.
作者 Lai Chiu Tang | 24th February 2022 | 医療機器
Designing a medical device is a challenging creative task. Not only must it be safe, reliable, easy to use and have market appeal, the product design must be accepted into people’s lifestyles.
作者 Lai Chiu Tang | 2nd February 2022 | 医療機器, ニュースルーム
By Lai Chiu Tang’s top six insights into successful medical device design. Designing a medical device is a challenging creative task. Not only must it be safe, reliable, easy to use and have market appeal, the device must be accepted into people’s lives and lifestyles.
作者 Ivan Petrov | 12th December 2021 | 航空宇宙, アグリテック, 自動車, 消費財, 防衛・セキュリティ, エネルギー, 公共分野, ライフサイエンス, 医療機器, 製薬, 流通, 半導体, スマートインフラ, テレコミュニケーション
To decentralise, or not to decentralise, that is the question. This Web3 dilemma reflects the likely thoughts of current digital leaders who want to make the best use of their digital assets while maintaining trust in their data systems.
作者 マシュー ジョーンズ | 9th November 2021 | ライフサイエンス, 医療機器, 製薬
Cell and gene therapy is hailed as the future of 21st century medicine but is currently too expensive to be widely used. As a principal scientist in synthetic biology, Matthew Jones is part of a team addressing this issue in an ambitious project with exciting potential.
作者 マシュー ジョーンズ | 9th November 2021 | 最新の研究成果, ライフサイエンス, 医療機器
This whitepaper goes behind the scenes of a significant breakthrough for contamination detection in cell therapy monitoring. It tells the story of PureSentry, a prototype device for on-line, real-time detection.