Valuable opportunity for the autonomous electricity grid
In this insight piece, Gavin Doyle explores the opportunities and technical challenges of an autonomous power grid and unpacks the three key enablers of such an advance.
In this insight piece, Gavin Doyle explores the opportunities and technical challenges of an autonomous power grid and unpacks the three key enablers of such an advance.
Founders of early-stage start-ups are passionate, driven and optimistic. So, as they embark on the mission to sell their vision, they should accentuate the positive and keep negative thoughts of risk to the back of their mind, right? Wrong.
I want to talk about radically changing the way we do businesses that organisations can flourish while we protect communities and the environment. Artificial intelligence is ready to drive a more sustainable yet commercially successful future.
Decarbonising aviation is a herculean task, but the HBx organism holds the potential to radically change both the carbon intensity of transport fuels and the economics of the biofuel industry.
Niall Mottram attended the Automate Conference determined to put the case for simulated environments as a key accelerator for autonomy. His main takeaway – simulation is right on message and in tune with the mood of the industry
この度のケンブリッジコンサルタンツのブランドリニューアルにより、The Engineとの関係がより強固になりました。The Engineは、MIT(マサチューセッツ工科大学)によって設立されたベンチャーキャピタルであり、気候変動、健康といった長期での社会的課題解決を目指すアーリーステージの「タフテック」企業を支援しています。戦略的パートナーとして、士気が高く、使命感に溢れているスタートアップの起業家と関わることは、弊社にとって大きな喜びです。