作者 ジェニファー ゴメズ | 26th August 2021 | 消費財, 最新の研究成果
Companies focused on physical products, from beauty to laundry, are embracing the opportunities of digital. The time to make things happen is now, so you are intent on digital transformation and growing in entirely new ways, this eBook is essential reading.
作者 Jon Edgcombe | 16th June 2021 | アグリテック, 消費財, エネルギー
Over a series of discussions with clients on sustainability we’ve been building a quick and accessible modelling tool to model the carbon cost implications of typical high-volume products across a variety of markets.
作者 Rishi Jobanputra | 10th June 2021 | 消費財, エネルギー, 製薬
The ambition to reduce or eliminate single-use plastics from the world’s supply chains is of course as laudable as it is essential. A team at CC is dedicated to doing something about it – by creating a guide to help innovators switch to alternatives
作者 マーティン クックソン | 20th May 2021 | 消費財
Time is running down on the tacit agreement that we will happily trade our personal data for digital services. In this article I examine the distributed ledger technologies which will power breakthrough smart digital platforms
作者 マーティン クックソン | 17th April 2020 | 航空宇宙, アグリテック, 自動車, 消費財, エネルギー, 医療機器, 製薬, 流通, 半導体, スマートインフラ, テレコミュニケーション
“We’re a start-up, we’ve got some great technology, but to grow we feel we need to get some digital services” Here’s a step-by-step guide to digital services