The new space economy is ready for lift-off – E+T
The new space economy has arrived. From universal communications to space tourism and printing organs in zero gravity – what does it promise and is it a positive human endeavour?
The new space economy has arrived. From universal communications to space tourism and printing organs in zero gravity – what does it promise and is it a positive human endeavour?
Decarbonising aviation is a herculean task, but the HBx organism holds the potential to radically change both the carbon intensity of transport fuels and the economics of the biofuel industry.
To decentralise, or not to decentralise, that is the question. This Web3 dilemma reflects the likely thoughts of current digital leaders who want to make the best use of their digital assets while maintaining trust in their data systems.
LEO (low earth orbit) connectivity is being propelled by reusable infrastructure solutions. The new layers of LEO connectivity promise an array of public and enterprise services – but how can we overcome the challenges and seize maximum value?
There is a presumption that artificial intelligence will play a key role in optimising telecom networks. But what exactly will AI be optimising for? Our view is that user experience – user happiness – will be the key.
5G architecture will be like nothing seen before, combining terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks (NTNs) – including high-altitude platforms and low earth orbit satellites. This paper explores the emerging technology that will unlock the full potential of NTNs and examines the commercial opportunities, which will create value for everyone in the ecosystem.