Self-organised autonomous drones could help scale operations
Will collaborative autonomous drone fleets drive uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) innovation and help scale future commercial UAS operations?
Will collaborative autonomous drone fleets drive uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) innovation and help scale future commercial UAS operations?
サイバーフィジカル分野におけるイノベーションのアイデアを思い付いた場合、次のステップはどうすればよいのでしょうか?誰もが何から取り組むのか理解していたり、成功する自信があるわけではありません。当社では、DVF(Desirability:必要性、Viability:持続可能性、Feasibility:実現可能性) で知られるデザイン思考の手法を採用し、製品開発を進めています。
Stewart Marsh, head of aerospace, speaks to Verdict about the first trials of ‘direct to mobile’ cellular connectivity from space the catalyst for ‘data everywhere’ and a new gold rush for mobile network operators.
Many hands make light work (properly coordinated hands that is). This timeless truism is the essence of why I believe collaborative autonomous drone fleets with a dynamic hierarchy of command and control will help ambitious companies seize the future.