Assembling rebel alliances to compete in the new NTN economy

作者 ステュワート マーシュステファン レミー | Aug 30, 2024

The race for global connectivity has spurred a massive boom in the satellite industry, drawing in new players as cutting-edge technology meets the rising demand. The technology now exists to make global, universal, affordable communications coverage a reality, offering up the chance to provide previously unconnected users with connectivity – a chance that many are keenly snapping up.

This has led to a new era for the Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN) ecosystem – one where businesses can no longer go it alone. Instead, powerful partnerships can form between satellite operators and vendors, broadband providers, IoT experts and beyond to enable shared infrastructure, R&D and the delivery of new levels of service.

Within this new ecosystem, the NTN economy that comes with it and the regulatory standards being designed to accommodate the market’s rapid growth, one thing is clear: now is your moment.

Now is your moment to assert yourself in the conversation as the direction of the market is set.

Now is your moment to embrace innovation and technology to streamline your service offering.

Now is your moment to reach out and form strategic partnerships that can rocket your business to new heights.

In this whitepaper, we’ll explore how satellite operators and their supply chain can do just that, providing the first steps to navigate this emerging new ecosystem with a collaborative deep tech approach that will place you ahead of the pack in a rapidly changing market.

The future of NTNs is happening now, and together, we can help shape it. So, are you ready to step away from the status quo, assemble a network of industry experts and embrace the direction of the satellite market?

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Fill in the form to receive our exclusive insights on NTN market leadership before anyone else in our whitepaper: Assembling rebel alliances to compete in the new NTN economy: Seize the growth power of deep tech.


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Stewart helps companies achieve technology breakthroughs that unlock transformative business value, including a world-first Push-to-Talk satellite service and a beyond visual line-of-sight UAV solution using low power satellite technology.

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