Transcending boundaries; the future of national security – TechUK

Transcending boundaries; the future of national security – TechUK

The future for national security is transdisciplinary. No single discipline can hope to solve all the complex, multifaceted challenges alone. Transdisciplinary is a particularly apposite term here, in that it encompasses not just the knowledge drawn from different disciplines, but the integration of it in a way that transcends traditional boundaries to solve a problem.

AI is ‘critical component’ of US transportation, says ITS America report – ITS International

AI is ‘critical component’ of US transportation, says ITS America report – ITS International

Artificial intelligence has cemented its place in the transport sector – and could be a key driver towards safety, according to a new report. The organisation has collaborated with Cambridge Consultants on The Impact of AI on Transportation and Mobility, which looks at how AI could reduce the 40,000 or so deaths on US roads each year, as well as examining its potential role in sustainability and equity.

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